Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Beginning

I was on a conference call today for new leaders of Holistic Moms Network. I'm so excited I can't sleep, so many thoughts in my head! Silent doubts creep into my feverish brain that I strive to push away as I nurse the drowsy, teething-almost-toddler at my side. I'm wondering if I'm up to it. Will this be another project that I can't complete? Is there a need here for a Holistic Moms local chapter, with all the great Yahoo groups I've found already thriving? I decide to get out of bed and start working on the chapter preparations.

My first and only HMN meeting so far was the Open House kickoff event for the Tri-Valley East SF Bay Area Chapter, right before we moved down to SD. I had met Katherine Havener ( at a LLL meeting, and she was one of the Co-Leaders forming the chapter. Their meeting was such a success and I was so inspired by them, their stories and what they had planned for the rest of the year. I went home to find a chapter in San Diego to join but Lo and Behold! None to be found! So I joined the National Group and applied to be a Leader. With the move and the baby, the holidays fast approached and my mentor, Tammi Lyons, recommended that we start the chapter off in January. So begin the preparations!

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