Monday, January 7, 2008

Spreading the word

I am so darn excited about our Holistic Moms Network! I have been scouring the net and searching for places to post our Open House. I've also been e-mailing a ton to get out the word to Holistic practitioners and businesses, and any groups who may have members who are interested (LLL, Babywearers, etc). I also posted a few times on Diaperswappers, Mothering Commune, babywearer, Tribe, MySpace, etc. Getting lots of phone calls, so I changed my VM to say "... of the SD chapter of H.M.N." like my manual says to.

I found this site to post to: Go City Kids, where we have a listing as well as an event posting. Yay!

I am so excited we may be getting a banner free from a sign maker in Pacific beach that Stacie's husband Rob is friends with! Yay! I found a beautiful pic of one I'd love to have above left. Wouldn't that be neat?

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